Ferrington, L.C., Jr., D. Hansen, B. Karns, & R.W. Bouchard, Jr. (submitted). Longevities of Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski, a hibernal emerging species of Chironomidae. Submitted to Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Chironomidae.
Ferrington, L.C., Jr. (in press) Hibernal Emergence Patterns of Chironomidae in Lotic Habitats of Kansas Versus Substrate Composition. Misc. Publications of the Ohio Biological Survey.
Bouchard, R.W., Jr., M.A. Carrillo, S.A. Kells & L.C. Ferrington Jr. 2006. Freeze tolerance in larvae of the winter-active Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski (Diptera: Chironomidae): a contrast to adult strategy for survival at low temperatures. Hydrobiologia 568:403-416.
Bouchard R.W., Jr., M.A. Carrillo, & L.C. Ferrington Jr. 2006. Lower Lethal Temperature for Adult Male Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski (Diptera: Chironomidae), a Winter-Emerging Diamesinae. Aquatic Insects 28(1):57-66.
Carrillo, M.A., C.A. Cannon, & L.C. Ferrington, Jr. 2004. Effect of sex and age on the supercooling point of the winter-active Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 26:243-251.
Ferrington, L.C., Jr. 2000. Hibernal emergence patterns of Chironomidae in lotic habitats of Kansas versus ambient air and water temperatures, p. 375-382. In: Late Twentieth Century Research on Chironomidae: An Anthology from the 13th International Symposium on Chironomidae. O. Hoffrichter (ed.). Shaker Verlag, Aachen.