
Egan, A., D.R.L. Burge, M.B. Edlund, T. Lafrancois, and L.C. Ferrington, Jr. 2024. Distribution of water chemistry, trace metals, and Chironomidae in coastal freshwater rock pools. Freshwater Science 43.

Bouchard Jr, R.W., Namayandeh, A., and Hudson, P.L. 2024. Parachaetocladius lenferringtoni (Diptera: Chironomidae), a new orthoclad from North America, with keys to adult males and immatures of the Nearctic Parachaetocladius (Wülker, 1959). Zootaxa 5419:245–264. 

Bodmer, H.C. Nyquist, B. Vondracek and L. Ferrington, Jr. 2023. Exposure of cold-adapted Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski, 1915 (Diptera: Chironomidae) to short-term high temperature reduces longevity and reproduction. Aquatic Insects 44: 310-324.

Bouchard Jr., R.W. and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 2023. Temporal partitioning of Chironomidae emergence in an insular, tropical rainforest stream. CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research 37:11-25. 

Bouchard Jr., R.W., B.L. Hayford, and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 2022. Chironomus gelhausi, a new species of surface-mating Chironomus Meigen, 1803 (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Mongolia. Zootaxa 5116:123-135.

Bouchard Jr., R.W., B.L. Hayford and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 2022. Diversity of Chironomidae (Diptera) along a salinity gradient in lakes of the endorheic Great Lakes region of western Mongolia. Hydrobiologia 849: 2161-2175. 

Bouchard Jr., R.W., P. Kranzfelder and A. Anderson. 2021. Leonard C. Ferrington, Jr. (1948-2021): Chironomid cognoscente and modern-day Renaissance man. CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research 34:51-66.

Bouchard Jr., R.W., and J.K. Gelhaus. 2020. First record of a skating crane fly: The unusual ecology, behavior, and morphology of Phantolabis lacustris (Alexander, 1938) (Diptera: Limoniidae) with descriptions of the immature stages. Freshwater Science 39:86-100.

Nyquist, C. E., B. Vondracek and L. Ferrington, Jr. 2020. The influence of an in-stream thermal gradient on chironomid emergence during winter. Hydrobiologia 847: 3153–3167.

Egan, A.T. and L.C. Ferrington, Jr. 2019. Chironomidae of the Upper Saint Croix River, Wisconsin. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 145:353-384.

Egan, A.T. and P.H. Langton. 2018. Descriptions of four Nearctic Procladius Skuse pupal exuviae. CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research 31: 30-36.

Kranzfelder, P., A.M. Anderson, A.T. Egan, J.E. Mazack, R.W. Bouchard Jr., M.M. Rufer and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 2015. Use of Chironomidae (Diptera) Surface-Floating Pupal Exuviae as a Rapid Bioassessment Protocol for Water Bodies. Journal of Visualized Experiments (101). 

Mazack, J.E., P. Kranzfelder, A.M. Anderson, R.W. Bouchard Jr., J. Perry, B. Vondracek and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 2014. Survivorship and longevity of adult Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski, 1915 (Diptera: Chironomidae) at controlled, sub-freezing temperatures. Aquatic Insects 36: 35-42. 

Anderson, A.M., P. Kranzfelder, A. Egan and L. C. Ferrington, Jr. 2014. A Survey of Neotropical Chironomidae (Diptera) on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Florida Entomologist 97(1): 304-308.

French W. E., B. Vondracek, L. C. Ferrington Jr., J. C. Finlay and D. J. Dieterman. 2014. Winter feeding, growth and condition of brown trout Salmo trutta in a groundwater-dominated stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 29: 187-200.

Anderson, A.M. and Ferrington, L.C. 2012. Resistance and resilience of winter-emerging Chironomidae (Diptera) to a flood event: Implications for Minnesota trout streams. Hydrobiologia 707: 59-71.

Anderson, A.M. 2013. The importance of illustration. CHIRONOMUS Newsletter for Research on Chironomidae Research. 26: 3.

Anderson, A., Kranzfelder, P., Bouchard Jr, R.W. and Ferrington Jr, L.C. 2013. Survivorship and longevity of Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski (Diptera: Chironomidae) under snow. - Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research 45: e6-e6. 

Anderson, A.M., E. Stur, and T. Ekrem. 2013. Molecular and morphological methods reveal cryptic diversity and three new species of Nearctic Micropsectra (Diptera: Chironomidae). Freshwater Science: 32: 892-921.

Baranov, V. and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 2013. Hibernal Emergence of Chironomidae in Crimea (Ukraine). Chironomus Newsletter 26: 33-40.

French W.E., B. Vondracek, L.C. Ferrington Jr., J. C. Finlay and D.J. Dieterman. 2013. Winter feeding, growth and condition of brown trout Salmo trutta in a groundwater-dominated stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 29(2):187-200.

Krider, L.A., Magner, J.A., Perry, J., Vondracek, B. and Ferrington Jr., L.C. 2013. Air-water temperature relationships in the trout streams of southeastern Minnesota's carbonate-sandstone landscape. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 49: 896-907. 

Anderson, A.M., R.W. Bouchard Jr., and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 2011. Hibernal emergence of Chironomidae (Diptera) in relation to stream size in Kansas, USA. Pages 247-255 in X. Wang and W. Liu, editors. Contemporary Chironomid Studies – Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Chironomidae. Nankai University Press, Tianjin, China.

Bouchard Jr., R.W. and Ferrington Jr., L.C. 2011. The effects of subsampling and sampling frequency on the use of surface-floating pupal exuviae to measure Chironomidae (Diptera) communities in wadeable temperate streams. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 181: 205-223. 

Ferrington, L.C., R.W. Bouchard, and B. Karns. 2011. Longevities of Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski, a hibernal emerging species of Chironomidae (Diptera). Pages 22-29 in L. C. Ferrington, editor. Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Chironomidae. Chironomidae Research Group, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. and Sæther, O.A. 2011. A revision of the genera Pseudosmittia Edwards, 1932, Allocladius Kieffer, 1913, and Hydrosmittia gen. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae). Zootaxa 2849: 1-314. 

Bouchard, R.W. and L.C. Ferrington. 2009. Winter Growth, Development, and Emergence of Diamesa mendotae (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Minnesota Streams. Environmental Entomology 38:250-259.

Bouchard Jr., R.W., B.E. Schuetz, L.C. Ferrington Jr. and S.A. Kells. 2009. Cold hardiness in the adults of two winter stonefly species: Allocapnia granulata (Claassen) and A. pygmaea (Burmeister) (Plecoptera: Capniidae). Aquatic Insects. 31(2): 145-155.

Bouchard, R.W. and L. C. Ferrington. 2008. Determination of Chironomidae thermal preferences and thermal partitioning among closely related taxa in a Minnesota stream using surface floating pupal exuviae. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal Supplement 13:191-198.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 2008. Global diversity of non-biting midges (Chironomidae; Insecta-Diptera) in freshwater. In Balian, E.V., Lévêque, C., Segers, H. and Martens, K. (Eds.) Freshwater animal diversity assessment. Springer Netherlands, pp. 447-455. 

Ferrington, L. C., Jr., E. C. Masteller and J. A. Santiago-Blay. 2008. Comparison and significance of Chironomidae emergence from Lake Erie and Presque Isle Bay, Erie, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural) No. 13: 21-28.

Gresens, S. E. and L. C. Ferrington, Jr. 2008. Taxonomic distinctness provides an alternative view of the diversity of Chironomidae (Diptera) Assemblages. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural) 13:101-108.

Rufer, M. M. and L. C. Ferrington, Jr. 2008. Sampling frequency required for chironomid community resolution in urban lakes with contrasting trophic states. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural) 13: 77-84.

Sealock, A.W. and L.C. Ferrington, Jr. 2008. Sampling efficiency of Chironomidae (Diptera) across disturbance gradients. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural) 13: 85-92.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., 2007. Hibernal emergence patterns of Chironomidae in lotic habitats of Kansas versus substrate composition. pp. 99-105, IN: T. Andersen (ed.), Contributions to the Systematics and Ecology of Aquatic Diptera—A Tribute to Ole A. Sæther. The Caddis Press, Columbus, Ohio.

Bouchard, R. W., M.A. Carrillo, and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 2006. Lower lethal temperature for adult male Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski (Diptera : Chironomidae), a winter-emerging aquatic insect. Aquatic Insects 28: 57-66.

Bouchard, R.W., M.A. Carrillo, S.A. Kells, and L.C. Ferrington. 2006. Freeze tolerance in larvae of the winter-active Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski (Diptera : Chironomidae): a contrast to adult strategy for survival at low temperatures. Hydrobiologia 568: 403-416.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. and Sæther, O.A. 2006. Rhagosmittia and Trondia, two new genera of Orthocladiinae from Oceania and Australia (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 28: 243-250.

Hayford, B.L. and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 2006. Distribution of Chironomidae in Hovsgol Nuur, Mongolia. Chapter 26 IN: C. E. Goulden, T. Sitnikova, J. Gelhaus and B. Boldgiv (eds.). The Geology, Biodiversity, and Ecology of Hovsgol Nuur (Mongolia). Backhuys Publishers.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., Lichtwardt, R.W., Hayford, B. and Williams, M.C. 2005. Symbiotic Harpellales (Trichomycetes) in Tasmanian aquatic insects. Mycologia 97: 254-262. 

Carrillo, M., Cannon, C. and Ferrington Jr., L.C. 2004. Effect of sex and age on the supercooling point of the winter-active Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects 26: 243-251.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., White, M.M. and Lichtwardt, R.W. 2003. A new genus of trichomycetes (Pseudoharpella arcolamylica) from Dixa fluvica Peters (Diptera: Dixidae). Aquatic Insects 25: 85-94.

Reynolds Jr., S.K. and Ferrington Jr., L.C. 2002. Differential morphological responses of chironomid larvae to severe heavy metal exposure (Diptera: Chironomidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 172-184. 

Reynolds Jr., S.K. and Ferrington Jr., L.C. 2001. Temporal and taxonomic patterns of mouthpart deformities in larval midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) in relation to sediment chemistry. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 16: 15-27.

Ferrington, L.C., Jr. 2000. Hibernal emergence patterns of Chironomidae in lotic habitats of Kansas versus ambient air and water temperatures, p. 375-382. In: Late Twentieth Century Research on Chironomidae: An Anthology from the 13th International Symposium on Chironomidae. O. Hoffrichter (ed.). Shaker Verlag, Aachen.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., R.W. Lichtwardt and B.L. Hayford. 2000. Smittium gravimetallum (Trichomycetes: Harpellales), a new species of gut fungus from Dicrotendipes fumidus (Johannsen)(Diptera: Chironomidae) in a metal-polluted stream. pp. 253-258, In: Late 20th Century Research on Chironomidae. O. Hoffrichter (ed.) Shaker Verlag, Aachen, GD. 661 pp.

Pinkney, A.E., McGowan, P.C., Murphy, D.R., Lowe, T.P., Sparling, D.W. and Ferrington Jr., L.C. 2000. Effects of the mosquito larvicides temephos and methoprene on insect populations in experimental ponds. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19: 678-684.

Chou, R.Y.M., Ferrington Jr., L.C., Hayford, B.L. and Smith, H.M. 1999. Composition and phenology of Chironomidae (Diptera) from an intermittent stream in Kansas. Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie 147: 35-64. 

Lichtwardt, R.W., Ferrington Jr., L.C. and Lastra, C.L. 1999. Trichomycetes in Argentinean aquatic insect larvae. Mycologia 91: 1060-1082. 

Berg, M. B., L.C. Ferrington Jr., and B.L. Hayford, (eds.). 1998. A Festschrift Honoring Mary and Jim Sublette, Part 2: Biology, Ecology and Natural History of Chironomidae. Special Publication Number 3, Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 71: 383-504.

Donley, S., L.C. Ferrington Jr. and D. Strayer. 1998. The habitat of Paraboreochlus larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 71: 501-504.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1998. Generic Composition of Chironomidae in Springs of North America. Invited chapter- pp.141-155, In: Studies in Crenobiology: The Biology of Springs and Springbrooks, L. Botosononeau (ed.) Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.

Pitt, J.L., Surampalli, R.Y., Crisp, N.H. and Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1998. Predicting aqueous metal species in a stream impacted by mining activity. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management 2: 166-171. 

Slaymaker, A.K., Ferrington Jr., L.C. and Lichtwardt, R.W. 1998. Chironomidae-Trichomycete associations: A literature review. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 71: 490-500. 

Lichtwardt, R.W., Williams, M.C., Ferrington Jr., L.C. and Hayford, B.L. 1997. Harpellales: generic confusion due to precocious development. Mycologia 89: 109-113. 

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1998. Generic Composition of Chironomidae in Springs of North America. Invited chapter- pp. 141-155, In: Studies in Crenobiology: The Biology of Springs and Springbrooks, L. Botosononeau (ed.) Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.

Wright, C.A., Ferrington Jr., L.C. and Crisp, N.H. 1996. Analysis of chlordane-impacted streams using chironomid pupal exuviae (Diptera: Chironomidae). Hydrobiologia 318: 69-77. 

Blackwood, M. A., S. M. Hall and L. C. Ferrington Jr. 1995. Emergence of Chironomidae from Springs in the Central High Plains Region of the United States. pp 132-151, In: Biodiversity of Aquatic Insects and Other Invertebrates in Springs. L. C. Ferrington, Jr. (Ed.). Special Publication No. 1, Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 165 pp.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., R.G. Kavanaugh, F.J. Schmidt and J.L. Kavanaugh. 1995. Habitat Separation Among Chironomidae (Diptera) in Big Springs. pp 152-165, In: Biodiversity of Aquatic Insects and Other Invertebrates in Springs. L. C. Ferrington, Jr. (Ed.). Special Publication No. 1, Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 165 pp.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., , M.A. Blackwood, C.A. Wright, T.M. Anderson and D.S. Goldhammer. 1994. Sediment Transfers and Representativeness of Mesocosm Benthic Test Faunas. Chapter 14, pp. 179-200. In: Aquatic Mesocosm Studies in Ecological Risk Assessment. R. L. Graney, J. H. Kennedy and J. H. Rogers, Jr. (Eds.). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Publication Series. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. 723 pp.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., 1993. Endangered rivers: A case history of the Arkansas River in the Central Plains. Aquatic Conservation: Marine & Freshwater Ecosystems. 3: 305-316.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., K.M. Buzby and E.C. Masteller. 1993. Composition and Temporal Abundance of Chironomidae Emergence from a Tropical Rainforest Stream at El Verde, Puerto Rico. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 66): 167-180.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1992. Habitat and sediment preferences of Axarus festivus larvae. Netherland Journal of Aquatic Ecology 26: 347-354.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., and D.S. Goldhammer. 1992. The Biological Significance of Capillary Fringe Habitat in Large Sandy-Bottomed Rivers of the Central Plains. pp. 203-225. In: Proceedings of Symposium on Aquatic Resources in Semi-Arid Environments. Bohart and Bothwell (Eds.) N.H.R.I. Symposium Series 7. 375 pp.

Goldhammer, D.S. and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 1992. Emergence of Aquatic Insects from Epirheic Zones of Capillary Fringe Habitats in the Cimarron River, Kansas. pp. 155-164. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ground Water Ecology. Stanford, J. A. and J. J. Simons (Eds.) American Water Resources Association, Bethesda, MD. 420 pp.

Goldhammer, D.,C. Wright, M. Blackwood, and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 1992. Composition and phenology of Chironomidae from the Nelson environmental study area, University of Kansas. Netherland Journal of Aquatic Ecology 26: 281-291.

Howick, G.L., J.M. Giddings, F. Denoyelles, L.C. Ferrington Jr., W.D. Kettle, and D. Baker. 1992. Rapid establishment of test conditions and trophic-level interactions in 0.04-hectare earthen pond mesocosms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11: 107-114.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., M.A. Blackwood, C.A. Wright, N.H. Crisp, J.L. Kavanaugh and F.J. Schmidt. 1991. A Protocol for Using Surface-Floating Pupal Exuviae of Chironomidae for Rapid Bioassessment of Changing Water Quality. pp.181-190. In: Sediment and Stream Water Quality in a Changing Environment: Trends and Explanations. IAHS Publication Number 20: 374 pp.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., and N.H. Crisp. 1989. Water Chemistry Characteristics of Receiving Streams and the Occurrence of Chironomus riparius and Other Chironomidae in Kansas. Acta Biologia Debrecina, Oecologica Hungarica 3: 115-126.

Grodhaus, G. and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 1989. The occurrence of Chironomus (Lobochironomus) mendax Stora in North America. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 62: 292-293. 

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1987. Microhabitat Preferences of Larvae of Three Orthocladiinae Species (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Big Springs, a Sand-Bottom Spring in the High Plains of Western Kansas. Entomologica Scandinavica supplement 29: 361-368.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1987. Chironomidae in the Capillary Fringe of the Cimarron River. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 60: 153-156.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. and L.P. Ruse. 1986. Collection of Antillocladius pluspilalus and Antillocladiusarcuatus (Chironomidae: Diptera) in Eastern Kansas. Entomological News 97: 66-68.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. and C. Christianssen. 1985. Biological and Statistical Significance of Stenochironomus Larvae on Artificial Substrate Samplers with Masonite Discs. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 58: 724-726.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1984. Evidence for the hyporheic zone as a microhabitat of Krenosmittia spp. larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae). Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2: 353-358.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1984. Drift Dynamics of Chironomidae Larvae .1. Preliminary-Results and Discussion of Importance of Mesh Size and Level of Taxonomic Identification in Resolving Chironomidae Diel Drift Patterns. Hydrobiologia 114: 215-227.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1983. Interdigitating Broadscale Distributional Patterns of Some Kansas Chironomidae. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of America 34: 101-113.

Swegman, B.G. and L.C. Ferrington Jr. 1980. New records of Western Trichoptera with notes on their biology. The Great Basin Naturalist 40: 287-291. 

Technical Publications/Reports/Theses:

Anderson, A.M. 2012. Winter-Emerging Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) in Minnesota Trout Streams. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Bouchard, R.W. 2007. Phenology and taxonomic composition of lotic Chironomidae (Diptera) communities in contrasting thermal regimes. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Bouchard Jr., R.W., 2004. Guide to aquatic invertebrates of the Upper Midwest (Edited by L.C. Ferrington Jr., and M.L. Karius). University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 2002. Monitoring and Assessment of Invertebrates in Selected Streams with Elevated Concentrations of Heavy Metals in U. S. EPA Region VII. Report II: Big Creek, Iron County, Missouri. Report to U. S. EPA, Region VII. Technical Publication of the Kansas Biological Survey.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 2001. Summary of water chemistry and macroinvertebrate communities for selected sites at the Galena sub-site of the Cherokee County Superfund Site, Cherokee County, Kansas, within the Tri-State Mining District, Year Three of Phase III. Technical Report Number 102 of the Kansas Biological Survey. 32 pp. + appendices.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., S.M. Stringer and S.T. Stringer. 2000. Summary of water chemistry and macroinvertebrate communities for selected sites at the Galena sub-site of the Cherokee County Superfund Site, Cherokee County, Kansas, within the Tri-State Mining District, Year two of Phase III. Technical Report Number 97 of the Kansas Biological Survey. 25 pp. + appendices.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., S.T. Stringer and S.M. Stringer. 1999. Summary of water chemistry and macroinvertebrate communities for selected sites at the Galena sub-site of the Cherokee County Superfund Site, Cherokee County, Kansas, within the Tri-State Mining District, Year one of Phase III. Technical Report Number 94 of the Kansas Biological Survey. 18 pp. + appendices.

Donley, S.R., L.C. Ferrington Jr. and D.G. Huggins. 1999. Development of biological criteria for macroinvertebrates for streams of the Western Cornbelt Plains Ecoregion. Technical Report Number 90 of the Kansas Biological Survey. 50 pp. + appendix.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1998. Monitoring and Assessment of Invertebrates in Selected Streams with Elevated Concentrations of Heavy Metals in U. S. EPA Region VII. Report I: Cannon Creek, Holt County, Missouri. Report to U. S. EPA, Region VII. Technical Publication Number 89 of the Kansas Biological Survey. 37 pp. + appendices

Ferrington Jr., L.C., B. Hayford, R. Chou, S. Reynolds, C. Wright, and D. Goldhammer. 1997. Final Report: Summary of water chemistry, sediment chemistry, fish populations and macroinvertebrate communities for selected sites at the Galena sub-site of the Cherokee County Superfund Site, Cherokee County, Kansas, within the Tri-State Mining District, Phase II. Technical Report Number 83 of the Kansas Biological Survey. 88 pp. + appendices.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1996. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Artificial Plastic Media for Reducing the Densities of Nuisance Levels of Filter Flies in Trickling Water Filters. Grant completion report to Johnson County Unified Waste Water District. Technical Publication of the Kansas Biological Survey.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1993. Water Chemistry, Sediment Chemistry, Fish and Macroinvertebrate Communities of the Galena Superfund Subsite of the Tri-State Mining District. Technical Report of the Kansas Biological Survey Number 56. 85 pp. + appendices.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., W.H. Buzby, and M.A. Blackwood. 1991. Status Report on Optioservus phaeus White (Scott Riffle Beetle). Technical Report of the Kansas Biological Survey Number 49. 21 pp.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1990. Abundance and Longitudinal Distribution of Chironomus riparius near the Middle Basin WWTP in Johnson County, Kansas. Grant completion report for Johnson County Wastewater District. Technical report of the Kansas Biological Survey.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., O.K. Galle, M.A. Blackwood, C.A. Wright, F.J. Schmidt and J.M. Jobe. 1989. Occurrence and Biological Effects of Cadmium, Lead, Manganese and Zinc in the Short Creek/Empire Lake Aquatic System in Cherokee County, Kansas. Published by KWRRI as Contribution #277, USGS G1563-06. 106 pp. + appendix.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1989. Assessment of the Effects of B.t.i. Applications for the Control of Midgefly Larvae, Chironomus riparius, in Little Mill Creek, Johnson Co., Ks. Kansas Biological Survey Report # 41. 16 pp. + appendix.

Ferrington Jr., L.C., O.K. Galle, M.A. Blackwood, C.A. Wright, W.A. Bird, J.M. Jobe, and P.B. Grant. 1988. Preliminary Assessment of the Occurrence and Biological Effects of Cadmium, Lead, Manganese and Zinc in the Short Creek/ Empire Lake Aquatic System, Cherokee County, Kansas, Phase I. Published by KWRRI as contribution # 271, USGS G1423-06. 81 pp. + appendix.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1987. Collection and Identification of Floating Pupal Exuviae of Chironomidae for Use in Studies of Surface Water Quality. Standard Operating Procedure prepared for U. S. EPA, Region VII, Kansas City, KS and published as SOP No. FW130A. 39 pp. + appendix.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1985. Population Study of Optioservus phaeus White, a Riffle Beetle of Threatened Status Endemic to Kansas. Grant completion report to Kansas Fish and Game Department (Contract # 5054-705). 46 pp. + appendix.

Ferrington Jr., L.C. 1981. Detection and Documentation of Impacts. Chapter 24, pp. 202-213. In Guide to the Freshwater Invertebrates of the Midwest. Huggins, D. G., Liechti, P. M., and Ferrington, L. C. (eds.). Biological Survey of Kansas, Technical Publication Number 11. 221 pp.