B.S. Ecology, Evolution and Behavior,
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, MN
Background and Research Interests
I began working for the Chironomidae Research Group in the summer of 2011. Over the following year, I had the opportunity to work with several graduate students associated with the group. This work involved mapping costal rock pools in Isle Royale National Park, identifying aquatic invertebrates in the St. Paul lab, sampling trout from streams in south-eastern MN and collecting chironomid pupal exuviae in Costa Rican estuaries. My experiences with the people of this lab and the research they are doing have helped further my understanding of what it takes to be a successful graduate student.
I have always been fascinated by the way other organisms interact with each other and their environments. With my bachelor’s degree behind me, my next goal is to make a career out of this fascination by pursuing an advanced degree in the field of animal behavior. In particular, my interests lie in the areas of sensory and perception, learning and communication. Ultimately, I would love to focus on the behaviors of insects, especially aquatic larvae, which I find infinitely intriguing.